Having found errors in J.M.Keynes’ Multiplier Effect theory and W. Leontief’s Input-Output Table analysis, I have proven that there exists no multiplier effect in the economy. I want to communicate this discovery to policy makers. Furthermore, I want to formulate a money flow analysis with matrix expressions in economies in order to analyze debt problems in financial systems.
One line of research is in accounting: drawing a Break-even chart under standard costing (U.S. patent Nov. 2007) and presenting a marginal profit chart unifying both standard and direct costing (patent pending). Another is in economics, mainly consisting of a mathematical disproof of the Multiplier Effect theory by J.M.Keynes and the General Equilibrium theory by L.Walras; pointing out an error in W. Leontief’s Input-Output Table analysis.
YOUSHOUJI (Eng. : youTrade)
- President: May 2011 -
Sakata-shi, Yamagata-pre
- Adviser (May 2011 - )
- President (June 1999 - May 2011)
- Business management executive (Aug. 1981 - June 1999)
- Development and Invention: as a project leader
- Method of cement slurry injection into concrete structure cracks - Jap. and U.S. patents
- Air-tight house method - Jap. Patent
- Column frame method for house structure - Jap. Patent
- Drawing a profit chart (break-even chart) for standard costing in accounting - U.S. Patent
Tokyo, Japan
July 1970 - Dec. 1979
- Assistant Chief/ Chief Supervisor at construction stages of a suspension bridge and other ones
- Assistant Chief of Design Section for Bisan-Seto Birdges, Shimotsui-Seto Brdges and others
- Invention of suspension bridge anchorage structure, Jap. Patent, 1986
- Researches on static and dynamic analyses of suspension bridge
Tokyo, Japan
April 1968 - July 1970
- Assistant Supervisor at construction stage of express highway, Tomei Express highway
- PhD (University of Tokyo) for research into the static and dynamic theories of suspension bridges, Nov. 1978
- University of Tokyo
- Master of Engineering (Seismic Engineering) Mar. 1967
- Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering) Mar. 1965
- Sakata Higashi High. Graduate, Sakata-shi, Mar. 1960
Further details available on website
- “A Flow Chart to
Disprove Errors in the Keynesian Multiplier Effect Theory”, Website, 2005.
In a closed economy, we have ΔY(GVA) =ΔC (Consumption) + ΔI (Private investment) + ΔG (Government investment). Suppose that ΔC/ΔY = aK (Marginal propensity to consume). From these, we obtain ΔY=(ΔI + ΔG )/(1−aK). Assuming ΔI=0 gives Keynes’ multiplier effect formula. However, the Keynesian cross condition does not hold because ΔY is really the total of right hand side terms and ΔI is a main component of ΔY. - “A Flow Chart to
Disprove Errors in the Keynesian Multiplier Effect Theory”, Website, 2005.
In a closed economy, we have ΔY(GVA) =ΔC (Consumption) + ΔI (Private investment) + ΔG (Government investment). Suppose that ΔC/ΔY = aK (Marginal propensity to consume). From these, we obtain ΔY=(ΔI + ΔG)/(1−aK). Assuming ΔI=0 gives Keynes’ multiplier effect formula. However, the Keynesian cross condition does not hold because ΔY is really the total of right hand side terms and ΔI is a main component of ΔY. - “Accounting
System Under Absorption Costing (1)”, U.S. Patent, Nov. 2007.
The objective is to draw a break-even chart under standard costing in accounting expressed in a 45° line chart. This chart is equivalent to the Marginal Profit Chart, in standard costing, where the variable costs are eliminated and the chart has a marginal cost line which falls diagonally from top left to bottom right. - “Profit Planning of an
Enterprise Adopting Standard Costing - Support of J.M.Keynes’ Involuntary
Unemployment”, Website, 2009.
In the above-mentioned Managed Gross Profit chart, the sales operating profit πO is separated into Allocation profit πAC + Managed gross profit πMO. The concept of J.M.Keynes’ involuntary unemployment problem is discussed with the chart. - “Accounting System Under
Absorption Costing (2)”, Patent pending, 2011.
The above-mentioned marginal profit chart in standard costing is transformed into the one where the marginal cost line is horizontal. This profit chart is drawn, unifying direct costing and standard costing. - “Production Theory to
Analyze Human Wisdom and Global Phenomena Operations”, Website, 2009.
This paper discusses a disproof of Walras' General Equilibrium Theory and attempts to mathematically formulate the innovation logic presented by J. A. Schumpeter. - “Presentation of the
Cash Flow Matrix Analysis for National Accounts and a Consideration of the
Leontief Input Output Analysis Theory”, Website, 2011.
In a closed economy, the Leontief inverse matrix is given by X=[E - A] –1 Y where Y is a final products vector, X is a total products vector, E is a unit matrix and A is a matrix which shows proportions of intermediate products to X. This should be expressed as Y=H V where V is a GVA values vector, H=[E - A] -1[E - B] -1 and B is another matrix different from A. This expression will be developed into cash flow analysis in economies.